Friday, April 20, 2018

What is Congested Skin and How Do You Treat It?

Do you have skin that’s often dull and just feels heavy? Maybe you never actually break out in acne blemishes, but you have large pores that are frequently clogged or appear as blackheads? If so, what you have is congested skin, a condition in which pores are often clogged and skin looks dull and less lively. If that sounds like your skin type, , don’t get worried! The right skin care regimen can turn your clogged pores, blackheads and dull skin to healthy, radiant skin.

Why does skin get congested?

Every three-to-four weeks (and longer as you age), the skin replenishes itself with new cells. That means that a layer of dead skin cells forms on the top of the skin – or even within hair follicles in the skin. When this happens and the skin cells are mixed with excess oil, they may sink down into larger pores. What’s the end result? Blackheads, dull skin and sometimes even acne blemishes.

How do you avoid congested skin?

There’s nothing that you can do to avoid your skin creating and replenishing its skin cells, so the best and most effective way to avoid and treat congested skin is to make sure that you’re sloughing off dead skin cells both from the surface of your skin as well as beneath the skin where they may have already build up inside of larger pores or hair follicles. How do you do this? It’s the magic of exfoliation! Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing to start a regular exfoliating skin care regimen.

Avoid Scrubs or Rough Beads: Whether it’s a textured sponge or a textured body or facial scrub, be careful about anything that may be rough or cause irritation on your skin. The skin on your back and body is tougher than on your face, so an exfoliating scrub or loofah may work there. But your face is sensitive. Avoid anything that may feel rough on your skin. It will most likely do more harm than good. Instead, exfoliate using Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs).

Focus on AHAs and BHAs: In addition to not irritating your skin, AHAs and BHAs can be used more easily in every-day skin care products. But the bigger benefit of these exfoliating ingredients is that BHAs are not water soluble. What does that mean? It means that a BHA such as Salicylic Acid can work beneath the surface of the skin to break down dead cell build up within pores or hair follicles where it may already be causing clogged pores or blackheads.

Recommended Product: Acne & Wrinkle Reducer

This dual action formula includes the BHA Salicylic Acid and reduces acne while minimizing fine lines and wrinkles.

Customer Review

“I have been searching for a combination product like this for years! Finally, someone understands that as you age, breakouts are still a concern. This product is great on my sensitive skin and does not dry me out. It keeps my breakouts at bay while making my skin look and feel young and healthy.”

Tropicalskin, Miami

Pay Attention to Your T-Zone: If you’re prone to congested skin, then your biggest trouble area is probably your T-Zone. That’s the area of your face that’s formed by the forehead, nose, upper lip and chin and is shaped like a T. Even if you don’t pay attention to the rest of your face, be sure to apply an appropriate treatment to the T-Zone, the most likely area to get congested.

Recommended Product: Murad T-Zone Pore Refining Gel

Minimize the appearance of pores while also fighting and preventing clogging and blackheads.

Customer Review

“This product greatly has improved my T-Zone area. My T-Zone area is oil free because of this product. I absolutely love this product and would recommend it to anyone.” Natalie55, Pennsylvania

Practice Inclusive Health® for Less Congested Skin

Finally, congested skin can often be caused by the same over-production of skin cells that causes acne breakouts. This over-production may be the cause of hormones, or it may be caused by lifestyle factors such as diet (caffeine has been shown to stimulate the adrenal gland, causing overproduction of skin cells and oil) or Cultural Stress™(stress also stimulates the adrenal gland). Adopt Inclusive Health practices for your healthiest skin and your healthiest you!

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