Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Skin care tips

Stress, lack of sleep, and the foods we eat can cause the skin to age prematurely and break out. Not only is it important to take care of the skin on the outside but it is also essential to pay attention to what we take into our bodies. What we take into the body can affect the appearance of the skin. What can be done to prevent aging of the skin, how can premature aging and skin problems such as acne be improved?

There are many solutions for skin care in the market so it can be difficult to know what will work and what won’t. However there are some things to consider that can help in your choice of skin care products.

The first thing to consider is your skin type. There are usually four skin types: oily, dry, combination, and sensitive. This aspect of skincare is important to consider because not all products will work for certain skin types.

What is your skin type? Here are some indicators:

Oily Skin

1. Your skin becomes oily by noon even after washing it in the morning.

2. You consistently produce adult acne or other break outs. 3. Your pores are bigger and noticeable all over your face.

3. Skin is oily all year round.

Dry Skin

1. Your skin entirely dry.

2. You observe fine small lines when you look at yourself.

3. Your skin is flaky in the winter.

4. Soap causes the skin to be extremely dry.

5. Pores are barely visible.

Combination Skin

1. Skin is greasy in the T- zone, forehead, nose, and chin spots but a little dry on the cheeks.

2. Your pores are large around the nose parts but normal everywhere else.

3. Skin is dry in the winter and oily in the summer.

Sensitive Skin

1. Facial soap irritates your skin.

2. Some types of skincare products cause your skin to break out in rashes.

3. Your skin produces spotty or reddish breakouts.

What Works for Your Skin Type

Oily Skin Care

People with oily skin should look for cleansers that contain alpha and beta hydroxy acid to cleanse and unplug dirt in the skins pores. The cleanser should not be harsh or irritating. A mild skin tone bar or refining gel is best. Always use a mild toner preferably one that contains water and glycerin. Moisturizers should contain antioxidants to protect the skin.

Dry Skin Care

Those who have dry skin should choose products specially made for dry skin. Creamy cleansers that are mild and will not leave residue are best in the winter. Otherwise, use cleansing gels. 

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