Wednesday, April 18, 2018

How to frost your own hair

Summers here, ah well it is for us Aussies, and we all love to go lighter in summer, though the expense involved when going to a salon numerous times can quickly add up.

Not to worry, I’ll explain how you can affordable and most importantly, do it safely at home yourself, with a friend

Frosting, or Tips as they are commonly called, can be done quite easily by using a tip cap, and pulling needle (also known as crochet hook). If you visit your local discount store, tipping sets are sold. Though they are not as good as a salon grade cap, they come with all that you need, apart from the bleach powder and peroxide which you need to purchase from a salon supplier.

BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR SALON SUPPLIES, please note, that its best to only ever use 20VOL peroxide, and blue bleaching powder is best. Mix it in mixing or plastic bowl, commonly 1 scoop of powder to 40mls of peroxide (double check the bleach powders ratios).

Only mix 1 scoop at a time, and when you run out add more. Bleach stops working after about 50 minutes, you want all your hair to lighten at the same time.

Place the tip cap over your head, trying to stay as close to your scalp as possible. You need a friend for the next part.

Using the pulling needle, gently poke through the holes, one at a time, try not to “jab” into you or your friends head, its best to slide on an angle if you can manage that and hook some hair, pull it back through the hole. You may need to do the same hole again, depending how thick you want your little ” tips”. Continue through until you do either every hole, or every second hole.

Once completed, place cling wrap over it, leaving it to process for around 30-50 mins. You need to carefully watch the colour every few mins, until a pale yellow is acheived.

You must then, remove the cling wrap, rinse the hair (with the cap still on) shampoo, tone (if you are experienced with toner), shampoo again, then condition. With the conditioner still in the hair, gently remove the cap, then do the final rinse out.

If you don’t know much about toner, don’t stress, you can purchase toning shampoo’s and conditioners, if you don’t like the brassy look that your hair may have.

Best of luck, and remember, its always best to go to a salon, this article is in no way advising at home applications, just advice for those who are up for the risky challenge.

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