Thursday, April 19, 2018

Tattoo Removal and Costs

Tattoo removal cost is one of the main reasons why people don’t do anything about their bad tattoos. However, there are more low-priced options available than you might think. While it is true that pre-fading your tattoo can save you money on laser tattoo removal cost, some tattoo removal creams are ineffectual and don’t perform as advertised. Consumers end up wasting time and money on these ineffective creams. What options do you have when you want to save money on the high cost of tattoo removal as an alternative of using  laser tattoo removal?

The cost of laser tattoo removal can range between $150 to $350 for each visit , and most tattoos requite from 6 to 16 visits, every 6 to 8 weeks . Not only is cost  a factor with this type of tattoo removal, but the time and commitment can be another reason why some people don’t want to get started with this form of treatment to remove a bad tattoo.

Just because you have gotten a bad tattoo doesn’t mean you you have to live with it forever , unless you are unwilling to go through the laser tattoo removal process and pay the high removal cost associated with it. Many people will pre-fade their tattoo with another product to cut down on the number of laser sessions and the associated cost of extended treatments of laser procedures with a low cost tattoo removal product.

Because a tattoo is in the second layer of skin, known as the dermis , many tattoo removal creams don’t work because they cannot penetrate the skin to the depth of the tattoo. By the time the consumer has realized the cream is not working, the warranty has expired, if the product has a warranty, and you have lost several hundred dollars . There are several tattoo removal products, however, that have a self-regulating cosmetic acid known as TCA, which is safe to use and nearly as effective as laser tattoo removal. Products that contain this cosmetic acid can penetrate to the second layer of skin, over time, where the tattoo resides. These products actually fade and remove tattoo pigment, unlike most tattoo removal creams.

Products containing tca, create a controlled inflammation of the skin to bring the ink to the surface where it slowly fades away through a series of applications. It’s similar to laser tattoo removal without the high cost. Not only does it not have the high tattoo removal cost  that other options do, but it is a low cost tattoo removal system that you can safely apply at home.

After you apply the product, it may cause a slight stinging sensation . This stinging sensation doesn’t hurt as much as getting the tattoo did and is much less painful than laser tattoo removal. These products are an effective way   to fade your ink , and should you choose to have it permanently removed through laser tattoo removal, pre-fading your tattoo with a home tattoo removal product can greatly  reduce your laser removal cost by reducing the number of treatments required.

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