Thursday, April 26, 2018

Skin care tips for men

Though they may not talk about it as often and you do not find nearly as many skin care products targeted toward men as women, men have skin to care for, too! In fact, men are even more predisposed to conditions such as acne because the production of male sex hormones, androgens, can produce acne. Men and women produce androgens, but men produce more, especially during puberty. These hormones affect the sebaceous glands and hair follicles and can begin the acne sequence. There is a theory that those who experience the most severe forms of acne also secrete the greatest amounts of the male hormone.

What can men do?

Keep hands off your face and avoid squeezing the pimples, which can spread infection and cause permanent scarring. Avoid the use of oily moisturizers and creams. Eat a balanced diet. Choose a hairstyle that keeps your hair off your face, because the oil in your hair will transfer to your face. Wash your face twice daily to remove surface oils, dead skin and dirt. Do not scrub your skin. Change your sheets and pillowcases often, even as much as every night for the pillowcases, until you get into maintenance mode. Remember that acne may get worse before it gets better and it takes at least 1 month of any type of treatment or therapy to evaluate its effectiveness.

What kinds of acne treatments are effective?

In general, look for products that contain Benzoyl peroxide, Salicylic acid, Tea Tree Oil, Resorcino and/or Sulfur for best results. In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe a prescription medication such as tetracycline, erythromycin or clindamycin. Other treatment options include: Vitamin A/Retin A (the acid form of vitamin A retinoic acid or isotretinoin), isotretinoin (Accutane), hormone therapy, dermabrasion, plastic surgery (skin grafts), collagen treatments and Ultraviolet (UV) Therapy. There is no limit to treatment options. Eat fruits and veggies, drink lots of water, exercise regularly, develop and use a skin care regime, keep your face clean and untouched by oil-makers. Remember that oily skin usually slows the formation of wrinkles and smile!

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