Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Defining inner beauty

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? – Really I am not so sure…

When it comes to dating, or just even walking down the street, we know what we like when we see it. Either a perky blonde or curvy brunette. For the ladies maybe tall, dark and handsome or maybe the blonde surfer type. We all have our favourites but I really don’t know many people who go for the girl with rolls of fat and black-haired upper-lip, or the guy with the most back hair and scabbiest feet. Now are these unfortunate characteristics of some people that we should over look, to see true beauty, or simply facts that we put in our ‘who we would and wouldn’t date’ database inside our heads?

We calculate things in our heads that turn us on, and things that really turn us off. Are we being too judgemental, never seeing the true beauty within? Or are we being realistic knowing that most people are out there to screw you over?

No one can really say, everything all falls back down to personal opinion. I believe there is a big difference between true beauty, being born with a beautiful face, and the beauty where you need to put on tons of slap to look anywhere near decent. Now don’t get me wrong, to stay good looking, all us girlies have our secrets and tips, but is on the outside what really counts? Or can we look past disgusting personal hygiene to see the inner beauty? The answer is both, the outside has got to be somewhat good for us to have an attraction, because if you are with a person and you love everything about them, but all you can think about is putting a paper bag over their head, well that’s not really the ‘true beauty’ in front of you is it?

On the other hand you could have the most stunning, gorgeous, AMAZIMG looking person you have ever seen in front of you, but if that person is an arse, than an arse they shall stay. I have spoken to a lot of people that value themselves so much more than to stay with an arse because they look good; I think they are extremely brave, and full of self control, because we both know how hard it would be to chuck away a model.

Though sometimes it can look bleak out there, have faith that you will find someone attractive, and kind, it IS possible my dear friends, and gosh I know at times it seems inevitable that we are going to die alone, because of all the arses out there.

Think to yourself of how many partners you have had, now think to yourself if they are all the same, or completely different, and no two are even similar. If you fall in the ‘oh crap, everyone I have dated is a clone’ category, do not fear, but the likelihood of them all failing because they were all the same is very high. If you fall into the ‘none of them are even similar’ category, you are falling into the ‘desperate’ category also. Maybe saying yes to anybody that asks you out, if you refuse to believe you are doing this then maybe you have tried every type, and it just isn’t working. In that case you need to carry on trying, but maybe don’t be too picky otherwise you will never have the chance of finding someone like a past partner, but different, maybe perfecting the flaws that that other partner had.

Anyways guys and girls, you need to either broaden your horizons and not stick to your comfort zone, jump outside the box and you maybe delighted to see that the grass maybe greener on the other side. And if you are too picky singling out every little thing about someone to try and make sure they are ‘Mr.Right’ take a leap of faith, you too will also see that life isn’t so bad when you life on the wild side.

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