Wednesday, May 23, 2018

How to care for oily skin

Oily skin needs attention and care so that you are less prone to breakouts and spots. The advantage of having oily skin is that it ages more slowly than if you had dry skin, so although it can be a nuisance having a shiny nose when you want to look your best, take heart and be comforted by the thought that you will be less susceptible to wrinkles.

The secret of caring for oily skin is scrupulous attention to cleanliness. Avoid soap if possible, as this initially dries your skin, but will then stimulate it to produce more oil, exacerbating the problem. Mix some fine oatmeal with warm water to make a paste and use this instead of soap; it will cleanse your skin thoroughly, get rid of any blackheads and leave your skin soft.

There are several factors that tend to cause oily skin. It can be hereditary; this is an easy cause to pin down as you need only look at other female members of your family to see whether they suffer from the same problem.

Hormonal changes, such as puberty and pregnancy, can also adversely affect your skin, as can birth-control pills. A mild adverse reaction to certain cosmetics or skin care products is another common cause.

Oily sin can be radically worsened by eating an inadequate diet, so plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables are essential in resolving the problem and keeping the balance. You skin is an organ or respiration, so try not to eat too much junk food that leaves you feeling sluggish.

By reducing the amount of toxins in your body, your skin won’t need to work as hard to remove them, resulting in skin that looks healthy and feels soft and supple. You should also drink plenty of water each day to flush your system through to keep it hydrated and working well.

A combination of herbs can be very effective in fighting the causes of oily skin and making sure that you remain fresh and glowing for the whole day.


Taken as a tincture, vervain helps to relax you and eases the symptoms of stress and depression that commonly cause the delicate balance of the skin to change. Your skin is a powerful barometer for your emotions.

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