Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Detox Your Entire Body

With all of the pollutants in the environment, it’s no wonder that your body doesn’t perform at maximum efficiency. Even if you take measure to keep your home free of pollutants, you have little control when you go out into the world.

That’s where most of the exposure takes place. And often, the damage is at cellular level. Because your whole body is exposed to toxins, you need a full body detox regularly to remove accumulated toxins from water, food and air pollution.

Some parasites are resistant enough to sneak around sophisticated water systems, and make their way into our pipes. Metal, chemical and smoke toxins linger in the body and damage your immune system. Unless you take action, it won’t be long before you begin to feel their presence.

Our ancestors used to also detox and renew their bodies. It’s not something new. Detox kits can be purchased in health food stores.

Or, you can set up your own detox process by eating only raw foods or drinking only fresh juices from raw vegetables for a week – then gradually adding back other fruits, vegetables, grains and rice.

The main idea behind doing a detox is that of getting rid of accumulated toxins from your system. It takes two to three weeks to flush out the toxins from your kidneys, liver and other organs. You may be in need of readjusting your schedule to make time for the detox process.

During detox, you need adequate sleep and relaxation to support your body in the cleansing process. Stress is the enemy of a detox and will short circuit the process, making all of this effort ineffective.

If you’re new to detox, you may want to work with a qualified naturopath to help you monitor the process. The naturopath can design the right detox plan for you.

This is the ideal time to seek help from the naturopath or a nutritionist to design a diet that will be more supportive of your body. Once you’ve cleansed the damage from donuts, cheeseburgers and fries, it wouldn’t be sensible to go down that path again. Your body will be primed for change, so make the most of it with new healthier food choices.

After the detox, you can return to your regular vitamin and mineral supplements. If you are currently taking prescription medications, it is advisable to consult your doctor before you do a detox.

Whatever you do, don’t take it on yourself to stop taking the medication. Sudden changes in your medication regimen can cause serious complications. Detox done right is a new beginning, setting your body on a course for good health and longevity.

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