Thursday, May 24, 2018

Body hair removal tips for women

Body hair removal can be catchy for women as no single method can be perfect for the whole body. There is a variety of hair removal options including shaving, waxing, depilatory creams and lotions, tweezing, epilators electrolysis and laser hair removal to choose from. But the main question remains is what to use for which body area. Here are some tips that will surely help you decide about the choice of body hair removal products for women.

Methods that Trim Hair from above the Skin

1. Shaving has been the mostly used and an inexpensive method for body hair removal. In this method a thick layer of shaving cream, gel or foam is applied to the area and then the hair is removed by sweeping the razor blade across the area. Although it removes hair faster yet it has some drawbacks. Firstly as shaving needs care so you have to be quite experienced in it, else you’ll get cuts and burns. Secondly the hair re-grows much faster (in 3-4 days) since it trims the hair part above the skin and doesn’t remove it from its root. So use it in for some emergency conditions and only on the legs and genitals which tend to have the thickest hair on women’s body.

2. Depilatory creams and lotions are yet another inexpensive option for hair removal that contains the chemicals that dissolve the hair cuticle thus making it loose to break off the root. Though this method takes usually 5-10 minutes to loosen the hair yet it is not a no.1 choice for hair removal. The main reason is that as these contain harsh chemicals they burn most type of skins. Secondly the hair grows back in 5-7 days. The only way to use it safely is to do a patch test before applying it to a larger area. Also, use it for urgent hair removal as a last resort and avoid using it on genitals.

Methods that Remove Hair from Root

1. Waxing is the favorite method of hair removal of women who love smooth, silky hairless skin. In this method a readymade wax or home-made sugar wax is applied on the hair in the direction of hair growth and then a piece of old jeans or a thick cloth is stick over it properly. As it sticks to all the area properly the cloth piece is pulled back in the opposite direction to let hair out of their bed. Despite its popularity it has been criticized for some reasons. Firstly this method is painful and not everyone can stand to the pain. Secondly it takes time and patience. Thirdly for the starters it can introduce cuts, redness, swelling, and in rare cases bleeding.

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