Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Yoga and Your Skin Care Routine

It may seem as though skin care relies primarily on your cleansers and anti aging products or acne medication products. However, diet, hydration, environment and stress all play a role in how your skin looks, too. For optimal skin health and beauty, we recommended the Inclusive Health® approach to treating your skin. At the core of Inclusive Health are the three pillars of wellness: topical skincare, internal skincare and emotional selfcare. Stress can be one of the biggest factors in controlling both acne and the signs of aging. Today, we’ll take some time to discuss the potential role that a regular yoga practice can play in making your skin glow.

At Murad, we often say that you need to create beautiful skin from the inside out. Well, the inside isn’t just what you eat and drink. It’s also how you feel and how your body physically reacts to those feelings. We live in a high stress world, and stress is one of the primary factors that can lead to acne breakouts or early signs of aging. But how do you overcome stress in the modern day world?

Yoga is a great way to not only reduce stress but also improve your overall health. The basis of yoga is clearing your mind and relaxing your body, both of which contribute to reducing stress. In many yoga classes, you’ll also learn breathing and mental focus techniques that you can then apply to your daily life when you’re feeling stressed out. Of course, anything at all that you can do to stop stress in its tracks helps the overall health of your mind, your body and your skin (which is your body’s largest organ).

The benefit of a yoga practice beyond the impact it has on your skin is obviously the overall health improvements that you’ll experience. You’ll have better flexibility, firmer muscle tone and better cardiovascular health. You’ll also find that you’re more able to focus mentally and concentrate.

If you’ve never done yoga before, most fitness centers and gyms offer introductory classes. There are also a number of videos, dvds and even the yoga program on the Wii fit (we actually love and recommend that!)

Beautiful skin requires that you have a great skin care program (such as the Murad skin care line), but it also means that you need to take care of yourself mentally, emotionally and with a healthy lifestyle that includes diet and exercise. Yoga can be a great way to reduce stress and promote beautiful skin.

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