Thursday, February 22, 2018

Weight loss workouts for women

Hey everyone Yuri Elkaim with you for another chronological sequence of Ask Yuri and today we are talking approximately Muscle soreness is good to workouts later unlike muscles are sore. So, here is the question. Yuri, will it be fine if we perform workouts even after the muscles are sore from the workouts performed previous days . It is kind, it is kind of gray area this one. In the training program, it is very important to take rest for the recovery, generation purpose, which I always talk about . If you workout 7 days as a week and 4 weeks of the calendar month and every I month of the year, then you are expiration to break up there , guarantee.

However, if you workout, let’s say you are a newbee, you have never workout before . It is very much sure that you are going to experience the soreness in the muscles , right. The muscles now used to, you know what you are going through. Sore is like a micro detriment, little bit of tearing and it is very very very microscopic. That’s fine that is how the muscles recover and get stronger . That is ok to some stuff after your muscles are sore. What I believe that the first thing that have described by people especially for the beginning of the workout, first of you are going to feel sore, I mean, if you workout today then you will be sore may be tomorrow or the next day, 40 hours after, it is not the domes, dooms the way the muscles soreness.

One of the best ways or one of the best things you can do to help catch that is to continue to move . To sit around and not to do any activity is the worst thing you can do . So, let’s say, you know laying workout and you hands doing quiet and bum are all tact. One of the best things you can do is do some dynamic work, like if I go for jog, and just get your body warmed up, right. 10 to 15 minutes less or higher, then do some dynamic stretching, do some dynamic movements, some souse walks. Over it you will think ok, the launch will kill me at the first place then why to do it again.

That’s what, by doing equal movements incisively elating to repair passes to look quicker. You don’t have to lift weights, just go through the movements, do some gingers, do some fabrication swings, and just get the muscles moving from ranges of gesture. When I saw this flow, you will help to recovery. I haven’t said that you don’t have truly to take a day off or two every week. I usually recommend 4 workouts per week are pretty good. So like that, you can take off days, in there or out, if you want 4 workouts in a row, then take 3 days off that is totally up to you, it is fine. You are going to get some benefits from that or you can do one day on, one day off, one day on and one day off, whatever you want to do. You just make sure that you have these off days with recovery and your body gets stronger with Fitter U fitness program.

But, is it ok to do workout if your muscles are huffy True, just judgement to your body, if it is sorer, I usually like to recommend do the same muscle pigeonholing and to do the same movements with heavy weight with 2 days from now. If you are doing lot of chest enterprising type movements today, you are going to do it tomorrow. So, vindicated yourself with bigger muscle groups with 24 to 48 hours off and then go back and then go for none.

But, I will say, body weight exercises, dynamic movements, so again the last new one who is similar and not doing anything is going to help you. If you can do anything in terms of recovery faster using a foam roller, sure I have it right here, I just brought it, yes it is the one like the one I have here. So, foam roller, this is like just, you know, roll over, I mean, like the, I usually I do it for my lower body, back and stuff. Awesome and it is pretty much available in the fitness store, it is amazing, and 20 bucks, the best 20 bucks you have ever spent. It is like a having a stuff wherever you want to have it with you. That is going to help in retention these muscles and that will help in philosophy of the muscles and none of the thing will be helpful, having a dog because a dog forces you to go for a walk which is good. They will help you to open up your muscles; you know the hips and abdomens and stuff like that. So, that’s what I would recommend. So, on the behalf of myself and my little buddy jacks here thanks for your question and I will see you in the next episode.

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